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Gracious Grits Near Me

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Want Gracious Grits at your local store?

Share the Good Gracious Grits love and help bring our products into your favorite grocery store.
  1. Download – The Gracious Grits information sheet that is located to the right. Just click below to download the PDF file and print it out.
    Download info sheet in black and white
    Download info sheet in color
  2. Shop & Share – The next time you visit your local grocery store, ask to talk to the manager. Give the store manager the information paper. It has all the information they need in order to start carrying Gracious Grits.

We have found that word of mouth and customer requests are extremely effective in getting our customers around the country Gracious Grits in the store near them!

Store Product Request Links:

You can also fill out product request forms that the store provides or call to let your store know that you want them to carry Gracious Grits. If you do not see your store listed below, simply visit that store’s website and find their contact page.

Walmart – If you would like your Walmart location to carry Gracious Grits, please call Walmart’s consumer hotline (1-800-WALMART, 800-925-6278).

Kroger – To request that your store carry Gracious Grits, please call Kroger at 1-800-576-4377 or visit their website contact form here.

Harris Teeter: Talk to your store manager, but also you can request using the form on their website.

Tell Trader Joe’s About Gracious Grits

Homemade Grits in Minutes

Located at Publix and other local grocery sections
Made With Wisconsin Cheddar

Direct to your door! Order online through Publix, Instacart and Shipt.


Ready to eat before you can even finish saying: "Southern in Seconds!"

Countless options

Delicious recipes using Gracious Grits are just a few clicks away!

Contact Us

Gracious Foods, LLC wants to hear from you. We welcome questions, inquiries, and suggestions from our valued customers. 

Are you a wholesaler interested in carrying our products? Fill out this form and we’ll get back to you shortly. We look forward to partnering with you.

Contact Us

Gracious Foods, LLC wants to hear from you. We welcome questions, inquiries, and suggestions from our valued customers.